Slow increase in new forum members

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Slow increase in new forum members

Post by heinkeljb »

After a promising start, the number of new members joining the forum seems to have slowed down. Part of this of course is the relatively few Haflingers still in existence and as with most niche market things. Most owners of Haflingers now own more than one!

The other reason is probably down to advertising (or lack of it). I see this site as a better place for all things Haflinger than being a small section of some existing forum unless that section of the forum is the ONLY place you can get help, information etc. Having a site with an appropriate name like this one has got to be easier for new people (like me) to find doing a Google search.

I found the Yahoo group sites when I first decided I was going to get serious about owning a Haflinger. I am not a huge fan of that system. Don't get me wrong, it works in terms of getting help on things Haflinger but its style of presentation is not the best. I prefer this sort of site layout.

So I would love this site to become a major player in the game. Obviously it has some way to go in terms of members and posts but I think it could be done. Just need a few more site redirections from the existing fragmented sites on the Internet.

Haflinger 703AP LWB 1973 - (Once owned by Lady Sutherland & Sons.) Now called "Lurch" !

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Re: Slow increase in new forum members

Post by walderse »

Hello to all,
On January 5th, I made the recommend on the three Yahoo Groups Haflinger-related list which I oversee that all future discussions be moved to this forum. I will not close down those sites until: 1) the information currently stored on those sites can be safely transferred elsewhere and 2) people stop using them. Ryan Gerrish owns the primary Haflinger Yahoo Groups site. It is his decision as to what he does with that site.

Another possible reason for a slowing in new membership may be due to the nearly simultaneous upgrading of the Haflinger portion of the Real 4x4 forum. For those who want to deal with only Haflingers, I suspect The Haflinger forum, over time, will become the primary location for that information and the Yahoo Groups will gradually fade from existence. For those who want quick access to not only Haflinger information but also Pinzgauer and/or Volvo C-series trucks, the Real4x4 forum will be more attractive as everything is clustered in one location.

I am not sure jsut how much buy-in there were be firm the international community but these things take time for the dust to settle.

Take care.

Jim Molloy
Waldersee Farm
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